Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WTP : Phase II

I am developing characters from people who have crossed the paths of my life, I capture them in camera. Random people from the streets are acquiring names of people from my classes, family, friends, TV shows, etc. I call these people "My Peeps"(respect to my brother). My peeps and I are embarking on an adventure. We don't know exactly our direction but we are excited and encourage you to follow our discoveries.

introducing from left to right:

Botwin, Tony, Alexander, and Ms. Funk.

Life in the country..

the suburbs

a light impression of Kristen joins the suburbs

Mohammad, Kristen, Botwin, and Conrad

Early morning distribution

same peeps different positions.

The next step if figuring out where we are going and what we want are doing in this world, it's a constant challenge. Time to fine-tune placement and color, not everything can be bright red.