Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Back on Track

Here are a few rough shots and rough facts from the Crescent Train Route from Charlottesville to DC.

What a difference a day makes! The Crescent Train leaves Charlottesville at about 7:20am for NYC. This has been my main route over the last few years, along with the Palmetto to Charleston, SC. The Crescent Train travels everyday with endpoints at New Orleans and New York City. It travels through more states than any other Amtrak train. I was a little shocked by this fact but the Empire Builder travels west which is home to larger states.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WTP : Phase II

I am developing characters from people who have crossed the paths of my life, I capture them in camera. Random people from the streets are acquiring names of people from my classes, family, friends, TV shows, etc. I call these people "My Peeps"(respect to my brother). My peeps and I are embarking on an adventure. We don't know exactly our direction but we are excited and encourage you to follow our discoveries.

introducing from left to right:

Botwin, Tony, Alexander, and Ms. Funk.

Life in the country..

the suburbs

a light impression of Kristen joins the suburbs

Mohammad, Kristen, Botwin, and Conrad

Early morning distribution

same peeps different positions.

The next step if figuring out where we are going and what we want are doing in this world, it's a constant challenge. Time to fine-tune placement and color, not everything can be bright red.

Monday, February 16, 2009

WTP : Phase I

We the People : Phase I

Phase I is a work on paper project layering digital technology and the intaglio printmaking process created by the Sintra Plate. Photographic images are digital capture and print. The outline figures are of people walking 14th street in Washington DC.

I am happy with the Phase I experiment, I see potential. Phase II is in the works.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

St. Thomas Circle

My first trip out-of-town this year was with John to DC. We went to deliver art and attend a talk by Frank Goulke at the American Art Museum. For the first time I found the city exciting, I stood in front of the White House watching tourists take pictures with a smile on my face.

These are a couple room view shots. We stayed at the Donovan House on St. Thomas Circle.