Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let There be Light Research

While researching symbols of the Winter Solstice I came across this paragraph by David Pratt, Patterns in Nature, January 2006 mentioning humans selfish and shortsighted ends.

All monads, or units of consciousness, are said to progress through a series of kingdoms towards a state of relative perfection in the system of worlds in which they are then evolving, before passing, after a long rest, into other world systems, on other planes. Humans, in their present stage of rebellious selfconsciousness, often succumb to the temptation to misuse their free will for selfish and shortsighted ends, creating discord and suffering. But it lies within our power to attune ourselves to the fundamental harmony of our inner, spiritual selves – sparks of the universal ‘Self’ – and to become voluntary coworkers with nature in the great cosmic adventure of evolution.