Saturday, March 19, 2011

Virginia Arts of the Book Center Indulgences Project

I collaborate with a wonderful group of people at the Virginia Arts of the Book Center.  The "Indulgences" group project will be revealed tomorrow, Sunday, March 20, 2011.

Here are a few photos from the shop and details about the event!

Join us this Sunday afternoon, March 20, from noon to 3pm for an exhibit of our new group project, "Indulgences"! We will have certificates and refreshment at the Artbox/VABC Gallery in the Ivy Square Shopping Center. A select few books will be available for purchase. This is the perfect artist’s book to add to your collection and celebrate the 2011 Virginia Festival of the Book.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Photo Montage Workshop

Transmutation by Stacey Evans(me) is the featured artwork in my photo montage workshop.  Using photoshop we will explore layer mask, blending modes and adjustment layers to merge three photographs creating one final image.

Examples of student work.

Photo Collage Workshop

David Hockney is the featured artist in my photo collage workshop. Using Photoshop the workshop explores selection tools, layers, transforming shapes and color adjustment. Students are encouraged to complete two pieces inspired by the David Hockney artworks shown here. 

David Hockney, Pearblossom Hwy., 11 - 18th April 1986, #2

David Hockney, Scrabble, Hollywood, 1 January 1983

'I have been aware of the constrictions of [single-viewpoint] perspective for a long time.'
David Hockney from his recent book Secret Knowledge.  

This workshop is supported by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Statewide Partnership.