Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Framed Photos on view at Piedmont Community College

These three images will be on display at in the PVCC Faculty Show Jan 30- Mar 14. They are the first to be printed and framed from my recent body of work combining my fascination of abandon structures, motion, time, and connective systems.

Monday, January 5, 2009

From the Car

I love to photograph from moving vehicles. As I travel down paths I've seen before I always find something new. This trip granted us a beautiful sky as we drove past DC. I enjoy the subtle presence of humans in the landscape.


Contrails and skywalk

Contrails, Lampposts and Trees

photo by John Grant

photo by John Grant

New Year's Day Photos

Every New Year's Day I take a few photographs. I enjoy the process as a reflective practice on my current state of mind. In the past it's been powerlines, TV sets, parties but this year I was simply looking for the beauty of light and natural elements.